Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Summer Break
I started to write this yesterday. Had a good 2 paragraphs and I somehow deleted the whole thing while typing. That exemplified what I was trying to write so I just closed my computer & went on with my day.
I'm noticing that some people are visiting me occasionally, I'm assuming because of my photos on KCWC. When I first got some activity from that, I was so excited! I was finally going to get this blog rolling! School was nearly out & I would make blogging a higher priority. I planned my Mommy Clothing Challenge. And then I had a change of heart. I was doing what I do: read blogs from front to back. I enjoy this so much - I love watching the children grow into babies, discover how the writer's style changed over time. This particular time though, I got embarrassed. I realized what a voyeur I am. And I thought, "I don't want people reading about me right now five years in the future." And that is probably the true block to me ever putting more effort into my blog. So there it is. I've finally given up the dream of a successful blog, but not because of lack of effort, which feels good.
So thanks for peeking in & maybe occasionally I'll post something, but don't count on it. :)
Enjoy your summer!
Monday, June 4, 2012
MCWC - Day 2

I can only claim the snaps towards today's hour. The rest was sewn over weeks and weeks as my project at my "Stitch n Bitch" group. Seriously, I can not believe how many Wednesdays it took me to finish these. But they are done now, snapped & sitting snugly in my drawer. COST: $0 - all supplies in stash

And those flowers from yesterday? Here's what I did with them. Sorry for the dreary picture. It's raining today. On the first day of Summer Vacation. At least I'd already promised the kids a whole day of pajamas & me not telling them even once to turn off the TV or Wii. I did spend more time today than just an hour. The kids were playing Wii & I was listening to Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins on audio book. I just kept sewing. I was just covering up stains on this T-shirt. I was inspired by this dress over at - oh NO! I can't find it. Darn - why didn't I pin it! I'll have to go looking again. Anyone know a sewing blog who's hosting a sundress week? Well, I'll find it & let you know.
COST: $1 for the panel of lace at the thrift store
In the meantime, leave a link below to show me what you worked on today!
MCWC - Day 1
Yes, Yesterday was supposed to be day one. It took me until 10pm to start my hour. How 'bout you? After my hour of cutting flowers out of lace, I didn't take a pic or post. So here it is - my hour's work from Day 1.
What did you make on Sunday? Leave a link below to your creation. I decided to not make a flickr group. And I planned a vacation right at the end of this week. So I won't even be participating in the last two days of my own challenge. Go me. Maybe I will tuck in some extra time here & there...

Monday, May 21, 2012
It's getting close to time
for the Mom's Clothing Sewing Week! I've been pinning & gathering inspiration for my week of sewing things for ME!
I like to sew, & having 4 girls, you'd think I'd be all over sewing matchy-matchy (or at least coordinating) for them all the time. However, my sewing time comes in snippets & by the time I could get all four outfits done, the first one would be stained / outgrown, I'm sure. Plus they have SO MUCH already! I'm much more likely to appreciate all the hard work myself & I'll keep better care of the things I make. (Oh who am I kidding? I spill as much as they do!) But truly, I'm in desperate need of clothes!
So join me as I sew for myself. Spend a little bit of time in the next few weeks browsing patterns & fabric, so that on June 3rd, you'll be ready to spend an hour a day sewing for yourself. The idea is simple - just like Elise Marley's Kid's Clothing Week Challenge, spend an hour a day for a whole week working on something for you. I think prepping the fabric, cutting, etc. all counts towards your hour a day - I mean, it all has to get done, right? But boy - fabric stores are a time vortex, aren't they? Better get the shopping done before! Or plan to do a lot of refashioning. LOTS of good blogs out there for that! There are so many online resources, I couldn't possibly link them all, but Alida at I Make Stuff had a Refashioning event last spring. The blog, Refashionista has lots of great, quick ideas for your $1 thrift store finds. There are many many others, but these are two I've been inspired by lately. And for online fabric shopping, you can't go wrong with, and for that something special, I love drooling over at And if you'd like an idea of what I'm thinking about for this week, you can browse my pintrest board here. (There's some things on that board that aren't sewing related, but I'll bet you can figure that out.)
Happy Monday!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Murphy's Law
I completely failed at KCWC. I sewed one day, crafted one day & that's it. I didn't even get a picture up of the felt flowers I made. The irony is, I've gotten many more page views with posting only 1 photo in the KCWC flickr group. If only I could have been more on the ball, maybe I would have a reader or two...Sigh. I do hope you visitors will come back. I am definitely going to have a Mommy's Clothing Week Challenge in June. I *need* new clothes & shopping always depresses me. So do come back & show off your creations for yourself!
Friday, April 27, 2012
KCWC - Day 4
Another bust. Not at home all day and then it was "clean for the cleaners." Once that was done I didn't feel like making a mess. So, I didn't. I have blocked off 2 hours on Sunday to "catch up." It worked for me last year, so I'm going to go with it this year too. So, sorry, no pic today.
I did make some felt flowers for accessories on day 3, but I haven't taken pictures of them yet, so stay tuned for that.
And I'm serious about the Mommy Clothing Week Challenge! I'm tentatively scheduling mine for the first week of summer vacation. I figure the girls won't want to get out of their pajamas all week long, so I should have a pretty good chance at getting some sewing for me done. Please join me!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
KCWC - Day 2
A bust.
Yeah, no sewing. No cutting, no ironing, no shopping for fabric. I had to take Twin B out for new shoes. Passing through the store, the easter dresses were on sale. She's a shopper. I say, "Mommy's finally finishing your polka dot dress this week!" She doesn't believe me, or the shiny newness on the hangers is too much. Somehow, I walked out of that store w/ a sparkly dress in a bag. Why? I don't know. Mommy guilt. So now, no time tonight for sewing. And no desire. That dress purchase took the wind right out of my sails.
Instead I'm planning in my head a Mommy's Clothing Week Challenge. I need clothing more than she does, anyhow. And I'm super inspired by this site: Brand New Vintage . Anyone in with me?
Monday, April 23, 2012
Spring 2012 KCWC
Join Elsie Marley for her fantastic semi-annual Kids' Clothing Week Challenge. Commit to sewing for a little one in your life for 1 hour a day for 1 week. You can do it!
Here's my efforts today. My youngest loves to be the baby. Anything she could delay, she has. That includes keeping her bed pee free overnight. (I do know that there is a genetic component at play here too.) I've been buying disposable pull ups, but I hate the money spent & I hate throwing away those yucky things every day. Last week I stopped at a local baby boutique and bought a washable pull up. I studied it's construction & knew I could make more. Today's design is not at all like the one I purchased, but I found this wide elastic in my elastic bin & thought I could put it to use. The cover is an upcycled wool sweater from the thrift store (50% off!). I used the Mile High Monkey pattern. Excellent pattern - preemie to XXL (my skinny 6 year old is only in the L size) & it fits so well.
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