I can only claim the snaps towards today's hour. The rest was sewn over weeks and weeks as my project at my "Stitch n Bitch" group. Seriously, I can not believe how many Wednesdays it took me to finish these. But they are done now, snapped & sitting snugly in my drawer. COST: $0 - all supplies in stash

And those flowers from yesterday? Here's what I did with them. Sorry for the dreary picture. It's raining today. On the first day of Summer Vacation. At least I'd already promised the kids a whole day of pajamas & me not telling them even once to turn off the TV or Wii. I did spend more time today than just an hour. The kids were playing Wii & I was listening to Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins on audio book. I just kept sewing. I was just covering up stains on this T-shirt. I was inspired by this dress over at - oh NO! I can't find it. Darn - why didn't I pin it! I'll have to go looking again. Anyone know a sewing blog who's hosting a sundress week? Well, I'll find it & let you know.
COST: $1 for the panel of lace at the thrift store
In the meantime, leave a link below to show me what you worked on today!
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