Monday, July 27, 2009

Crafty Recycling


I use scratch paper for everything. I have since I moved out on my own, maybe even longer. I have had a problem with scratch paper, however. How do I keep it organized, in one place & usuable? It clutters up junk drawers in the kitchen, spills out of cupboards. Stapling doesn't work, b/c your grocery list gets torn it half. I do sometimes make tear off pads, but that takes time, something I've been quite short on in the past 5 years. Last week I got tired of picking up a piece of magnet that was constantly spilled out of the girls' craft bin. I was about to throw it away (what was I thinking?!) when it dawned on me that it was the exact size of the tea box I had just thrown into the recycling. The light bulb ding-ith. Now I've got this handy dandy scratch paper box, with nearby writing implement. I'm thrilled, even if it doesn't last that long, being made of pressboard and all.

Stay tuned for my shopping list organization (it's along the same lines, if you were wondering...).

Friday, July 24, 2009

Gracious Reminder

I'm feeling stressed. Getting the kids off the computer & into the car for the CSA potluck is going to be a struggle, I can tell. Plus, I took a class for someone even though I didn't want to & now I'm feeling grumpy about it. It means I have to get up in the morning, which doesn't at all sound appealing right now, plus putting a scrunch on the afternoon activities, which include 2 parties. So while I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself, a little bit of me piped up, "Write a post - you will feel grateful." Phew - thank goodness I listened - I'm feeling better already.

So right now, I am grateful for:

1) An opportunity to make some money so I can buy Rosetta Stone Spanish for my family. (Something I've been planning to do since school let out.)

2) An opportunity to get away from my darling children for awhile.

3) An opportunity to meet with others who support our local farm. (We went to the ground breaking last fall & this is its first summer harvest! So, so happy.)

Thanks for sharing my breather. Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Return of the Gratitudes

I've been noticing that my gracious attitude has been slipping lately. No coincidence that I have not posted any gratitudes for quite some time. The thankful synapses in my brain are getting rusty from disuse. Tonight, I shall give them some exercise.

1) An unexpected sleepover that resulted in Hubby & me alone time, along with a sleep-in and an easy experience in getting out of the house.
2) A day outside with dear friends.
3) Enough breathing room in the budget to afford said day.
4) Having the willpower to not scream or otherwise hurt Twin B when aforementioned events turned her into a crying, screaming, throwing, hitting, kicking little person. In fact, I completely turned around what could've been a very.bad.evening. I am very grateful of this, because too often, it goes the other way.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A long absence

Why? I've been traveling & recouperating. Southwestern Washington, Oregon Coast, 101 through California, home for 4 days, then 3 days in southern California. Fun, but good to be home. I have photos, but have been too lazy to download them. I will, I will.

My dear friend wants me to write a post about dogs. What I don't miss about owning dogs, and what I do. We owned two dogs at once, because we lived on a ranch & had lots of room & our original dog needed a friend. When we moved to a regular suburban home with a pool for a backyard, two dogs was too many. I was overwhelmed with three kids in diapers, & alone for most of every day. So, after much discussion & heartbreak, we decided to rehome our doggies. I do miss them, I do. Especially when watching movies like Bolt (we had a white german shepard), or Homeward Bound (everyone cried). But I can tell you, I do not miss: the barking, the poop, the flies, the up down up down of letting them in and out constantly. I don't miss trying to walk to big dogs while pushing a double stroller with a baby strapped on my back. I don't miss hearing them whine while I tried to do the walking without them. I don't miss their noses in all the grocery bags as I'm trying to get them put away. I do miss their ability to vacuum up under the kitchen table. I miss wet doggie noses. I miss my big soft fur pillow. I miss having someone greet me when I come home. I miss having someone who loves me so much that if I lay on the ground, bury my face in my arms and pretend to cry, they come running over & nudging me with their noses, so so concerned that something is wrong with me. My own children don't even do that. We have the ability to get one of our dogs back when we can, although it's been so long it seems mean to the dog to make her move again.

How 'bout you? Do you love pets? Why or why not?