Here's the finished product:
I combined a few tutorials out there for making planters out of 2 liter bottles. Using my fabric scraps was fun, but I'm not so sure they will hold up to the weather. Next time I'll splurge for some acrylic paints, as I'm not giving the girls access to spray paints!
My garden is growing! I started a small container garden this spring. I don't know if we will be moving or not & I can't dig up any of the landscaping in my rented digs, so I tried container gardening. I wasn't positive it would work, so I spent as little as I could manage on the venture. Recycled containers, some from the $ Tree store & only 1 bag of soil purchased, the rest scored on craigslist's free section. Still, I didn't know if my labors would pay off - container gardens don't get weeds, but they don't get the option of getting a lot of minerals from the soil either. But here is proof of my potential success:
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