Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Camera - knitting no go

I taught myself to knit. a little bit. I was so excited that I finally got "purl" that I wanted to run here & shout my glory. but I couldn't find the camera. & really what is showing off knitting without a picture? so I put it off & then I forgot. & well, now that I have a moment where the baby is sleeping, the littles are engrossed & I can see the camera from where I'm sitting...I just realized that my knitting bag is in the car. A simple task really, but I. just. don't. want. to. move. Been there before? I know if I get up, this moment will be lost. I'll realize that the laundry needs to be switched, someone will hit someone else & the baby will wake up, rendering me once again without a moment to photograph my knitting. So you will just have to imagine it. My newbie knitting, with dropped stitches and all, but with all the excitement and possibilities a new craft brings. You'll just have to come back another day for a picture.

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