Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Don't worry - I haven't forgotten about you...

Been sick & trying to stay off the computer. Ya know, be with the kids, make stuff, clean stuff. I accomplished a little bit of each of thoset things. No pics yet though. This makes me a completely boring blogger. I realize this. However, since I'm not expecting an audience at all, I'm okay with being a boring blogger. One day I will turn this blog into a showcase for all my delightfully crafty things. But that's not today. or night, as the case may be.

- a LOVELY park day
- littlest one cuddling Daddy to sleep (a novel thing!)
- a clean house (is it possible that I only blog after the cleaners have been through? Maybe it's then that I have time to ponder since I'm not desperately trying to keep up after the girls?)
- my health

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