Sunday, May 29, 2011

Another UFO finished!

One night, at least two years ago, I awoke from a dream in the middle of the night and started working on this quilt. I had the quilt top cut out before anyone else was up, and it was assembled instead of breakfast that day. I even had the back ready: a donated flannel sheet, low-water immersion dyed in a beautiful turquoise. Somewhere in those two years, I even bought the batting. I have had, in my home, all the pieces to finish this for my lovely daughter all this time. I think I have a fear of finishing things, because it sat in this condition for a long, long time. So during KCWC, instead of sewing clothing, (I did some) I worked on this quilt. It was important enough to me to cheat. :) So during KCWC, I did finish (see pics of progress here and here - I quilted the top to the bottom, all machine quilting. I did not obey any quilting rules, so if you are a quilter, please avert your eyes. BUT, due to my short comings, I couldn't manage to finish the binding (even though I made the binding out of leftovers from the backing and it was sitting waiting), and I was coming up on the deadline for another project, so I had to put the quilt down again. But yesterday - yesterday was THE day. I machine sewing the binding on, also, so again, real quilters, avert your eyes. The binding is not as perfect as I'd hoped, but done is better than perfect, especially when you are considering the extended production life of this project. Thanks for listening to me blather about my sewing woes; here is the Dream Quilt:

I don't know why blogger rotated that last picture. I didn't edit it that way. Sorry for the acrobatics required to read the text. The stippling is my favorite and least favorite part of the quilt. I love the look of stippling, but I am inexperienced in using my embroidery machine for quilting. I should have done a lot more measuring. But I have some experience now and know what to do differently next time. I'm sure it will be used and loved regardless.

I am sharing my quilt and glorying in all its imperfections in the hope that you might be inspired to try something you've previously considered too hard and press on with the the mantra, "done is better than perfect." and then love it!

P/S - linking to Fireflies and Jellybeans, b/c I just ran across the opportunity. :)

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